Ignore small words when generating bibtex key

I use the following bibtex key generator:


which abbreviates every word of the journal name. For example, if I have an article from the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, the abbreviation in the bibtex key becomes JotPSoJ.

Is it possible to make the :abbr modifier to ignore small words like “a”, “an”, “of”, “the”?

To me, this sounds like a very small enhancement, that you could ask for via github -

or you could give it a go by just defining the correct regular expression,

e.g. by going to (in the current jabref master version)
Replace (regular expression)



[leave the second field empty]

The only thing we have which ignores those words is the [shortTitle] modifier:

I just saw this. I’ll give Replace (regular expression) a try. However, since it doesn’t seem to be tied to journal abbreviation specifically, it probably would also replace any of those letter combinations in author names.