Using a Db for a remoting location

Hy Everybody…
How can we open a dB from a remote location, like dropbox?
When are more than one user for the same DB, this a good option to keep referenceses always on date. Is It possibe?
Tanks in advance


by default JabRef only writes to the bib file. It watches the bib file for any modifications.
However, you can also use an SQL Database for working together.

Tank You Christoph,
Is there a documentation How to Link to a SQLDatabase? I create one on ElephantSQL, but I Receive a warning : no suitable driver found on jbdc:pgsql://postgresql://…
What AmI doing Wrong?

You just need to look at the help

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Thank You Christoph.
I solve the problem today.
There is two dificulties ,

  1. A firewall in my Faculty web
  2. The configs from host from elephant are not explicit so I need an explanation from a friend.
    It will be fine if could update, with the explanation how to extract host definitissn from elephantSQL free Database…

Tanks again

Thanks for the info. You can update the help page yourself. Just click edit this page at the bottom of the page