How to set up a PostgreSQL database for a shared library file?

I have long considered setting up a database for a shared library file that can be accessed by multiple users using multiple devices with multiple operating systems (Windows 10, Linux Mint (Cinnamon) and Fedora Linux). Connecting to the database seems simple and how to is documented here, but I am not sure how to set up and configure the database itself on my server for other users to have access to it. I know some users of JabRef run a shared database. If you are one of them, would you mind giving a short introduction about how to do this?

For getting started, I would recommend following this guide.

Create a new empty databas .e.g jabref
Create a new user and Grant the user at least the following privileges: CONNECT, REFERENCES, SELECT; CREATE, UPDATE, INSERT on the database and the default public schema.

If you prefer a gui I recommend checking out

Thank you Christoph! Will try it! Maybe next week.

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Hi, I am interested in using JabRef with a database as we have quite a lot of literature we would like to organize collaboratively. Is there a step-by-step guide available for non-expert users somewhere? It would be very helpful for me to have clear instructions on creating a PostgreSQL database and setting it up in JabRef. Unfortunately, I have only had to deal with databases and their administration from time to time.



I assume you have set up a Postgres SQL server, and it’s running. Connect to it with PgAdmin4

  1. Create a new empty database, e.g. jabref
  2. Create a new user for the database and grant them the following rights


  1. Now connect in JabRef: File → Shared Database → Connect to shared Database →

Hope that helps:


This is indeed very helpful. Thank you so much!

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