Import bibtex files, different behaviour for bib and bibtex extension

Dear Jabref users,

I use Jabref essentially to maintain my bibtex bibliography file.
I usually download references from journal website in the bibtex format.
However I noticed that if the file has the extension “.bib” it is opened as a new file but if the extension is “.bibtex” it is imported.
I would like to have the same behaviour in both cases (import).
Where can I change this in the preferences ?
Thank in advance,
Best regards

You can use

  • File > Import > import into current library (ctrl + i) or
  • File > Import > import into new library (ctrl + alt + i)

then select the .bib file.

thank you very much for your quick reply.
The behavior I described is obtained when my operating system (linux) automatically “parse” the extension and run jabref.
Your solution, that I will use from now, has to be called from Jabref.
I was wondering if there is anything to do automatically when a second file is open in jabref.

Well, it indeed might be confusing if clicking on .bib and .bibtex behaves differently. I recommend to open an issue on github, but there are a lot of issues and since there is an easy workaround tackling this might not be very high on the priority list.

yes it is a little bit confusing. I will open an issue and use the workaround for now
thank you again