Support intuitive drag and drop citation files into a specific group / sub-group / library tab

Currently, dragging and dropping a citation file into JabRef will open a new library tab.

This new feature will allow quick importing of sources, by importing the source into where the mouse cursor dropped the dragged citation file.

This could be implemented as opening the import source window with the import target being the mouse cursor position:

  • If the mouse cursor is on a group / sub-group, the source will be imported into that specific group (same as clicking on a group then doing “import into current library”).

  • If the mouse cursor is in the source list area, it would also import the source into the currently selected group / current library, depending on the users setup.

  • If the mouse cursor is near the tab area, it could open the source into a new library tab (as it does currently).

Essentially it would save a lot of time compared to Select the group/sub-group/library > File > Import > Import into current library (CTRL-I shortcut can only do so much) > Navigating to the file > Open.

It also will feel more intuitive as we all use folders and drag and drop files into them all the time.