The Google Scholar fetcher should also fetch the abstract

The Google Scholar already returns a part of the abstract. I’d like it to optionally store it in the bibtex entry, as is done for IEEE.

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Unfortunately this is not really possible as Google Scholar is not providing abstract data in its bibtex (as you can see if you display the data of an arbitrary search result entry in the web by clicking on “cite” -> “bibtex”.
See the following example:

Potentially getting the abstract will be possible in the future by the automatic detection of the DOI and the function to get bibtex data by DOI - but currently the abstract is not included here.

Thanks for the info. I assumed that, because you can pieces of the abstract on google’s own search results, that they would put the full abstract in their bibtex files (by some interface other than the thing you manually click on in their search page).

But I guess it’s more complicated than that. Well, it would be nice to see someday.

is there some news about this feature ?

Sadly, google still does not include the abstract in their api. Thus, there is nothing we can do.

On the other hand, JabRef now comes with a few other fetcher that do support abstracts (like crossref).