Typo in High-level documentation

There seems to be a typo in the high-level documentation. The sentence

Note that we are currently switching to JavaFX’s observables, as this concepts seems as we aim for a stronger coupling to the data producers.

(emphasis mine)
doesn’t really make sense to me. I’d be happy to make the pull request but I can’t figure out exactly what this is intending to say. Any help/feedback would be appreciated.

We use an event bus to publish events from the model to the other layers. This allows us to keep the architecture but still react upon changes within the core in the outer layers. Note that we are currently switching to JavaFX’s observables, as this concepts seems as we aim for a stronger coupling to the data producers.

I think the intended meaning is something like this:

We use an event bus to publish events from the model to subscribers. Event-driven architecture provides a loose coupling between the publisher and subscribers, letting subscribers – application components – react to the publisher without introducing unwanted dependencies. JabRef will soon change to using JavaFX “observables” for tighter coupling between application components and the data model, while retaining a modular design.