URL/DOI barcode

Hi all,
I wondering what is the meaning of the URI/DOI symbols (Barcode, …).

We couldn’t find a good icon for DOI and thus went with the barcode (since it is also some kind of id). We are very open for suggestions for other icons!

Thanks a lot for your reply. I am wondering what is the difference between the barcode icon and article icon. Both icons looks are used for the articles as attached.


the “File” icon indicates that there is a file attached to your entry, e.g. a pdf document,
If you click on that icon it will open the linked (pdf) document.

Thanks for your reply. I found that when I click the icon, whatever type, it only opens the URL found in the bib file, and it has nothing to do with the PDF file attached as both the file and barcode icon record have no PDF attachment.


you are right. I confused it with the other column next to it. That one is actually for the local pdf files.

thx, which column that show the existence of a local pdf file.

In the latest development version, you can get it here: https://builds.jabref.org/master/
we use the following indicators:

Left col: File/PDF
white, single file icon = 1 file attached
black (icon for multiple files) = multiple files attached

the other column
barcode = doi
globe = normal url

Thanks, the new version did not work with me on my macOS high sierra version 10.13.6. I succeeded to install it, yet I failed to open it, it was not responding. I am curious what if both DOI and normal URL exists. Thanks

@ahmed4kernel Please try to uninstall the old version first completely and then the new version. We had some issues with Mac in the pas and also try out the setting in the host file:

Hi, I did as you suggested, yet I got the same problem. Thanks