I’m having an error that has been reported many times over the years, namely that when I search on Google Scholar (from JR 3.8.2 running on a Mac Pro, Early 2009, 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 20 GB of 1066 MHz DDR3, OS X 10.11.6), I get an error message and no output
. I have closed and reopened JR, which did not help. I have tried to use Google Scholar from Firefox and from Safari, both of which worked fine and did not request assurance I was not a robot https://help.jabref.org/en/GoogleScholar. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?Unfortunately it seems to be an issue on the server side of Google:
A few days ago it was working for a moment but seems to be broken again due to their anti bot robot check…somehow