I have a lot of old pdf files with filenames like these:
- author (date) title
- author & author (date) title
- author, author & author (date) title
- author et al. (date) title
The style roughly follows APA 6th edition (APA style - Wikipedia) without the second name. In Jabref this would roughly be [authEtAl], but there is a space when there there are more than one authors and also space between the et al.
. Et al. is also not capitalized and as you can see the date is in brackets. Also … there can be commas and there is the & when there are two or more authors.
I would like to automatically attach them to the entries in my jabref library.
Under Options>Preferences>linked files> one can find these options:
How can i use the search expressions in Jabref to capture the above file names?
I am following these docs but could not make it work:
What i tried so far:
- Jabref works in its intended way and standard settings perfectly if i rename one of my pdfs to its bibtexkey format, but i have too many pdf files that are not named after the bibtexkey. I would have to rename every single pdf file manually in order for Jabref then be able to automatically add them. I also do have pdfs that were written from multiple authors in multiple years, so if i just use [auth] it will attach multiple wrong files to an entry.
- Something like
does not work. I suspect the reason is that in my file names there is space betwen the author and the date and in addition i do have brackets () around the date, which is also not captured. - I don’t understand for what the ‘linked file name conventions’ are there for. Is it for files downloaded by Jabref? When i enter something like
[auth] ([date])
it does not work either.
I would be happy if i could attach 90% of the files and for the very specific filenames i would add them by hand. Am i doing something wrong, or is it just not possible in Jabref?