Thanks for the feedback and regarding the cons with SharedDatabase:
There has been some improvement over the time and we also have an issue/PR which was a proof of concept for the connection with sharelatex/overleaf.
If you find other papers/articles not mentioned in our wiki, please drop us a line:
Not saying that integreation with collabotative tools hurts- but actually i think they do not mean “working together on a text” by that - but what is mentioned in the cooperation lines.
Sharing library datasets with others, and working/editing together using the same the literature manager.
As my main focus for jabref ist the literature managment and not writing texts using it - this is what i want to establish at some point also.
Sharing library datasets with others, and working/editing together using the same the literature manager.
This is exactly what is already possible using the SharedSQL Database. Page Redirection
The idea of the sharelatex/overleaf integration was/is simliar. Only syncing of the bib files’s contents. Not collaboratively editing text.