Sentence Case exporting to HTML / CSL export to HTML


I have two questions / feature ideas. Greatly appreciated if you could point me into the right direction if I missed an already existing function.

  • I mainly use JabRef for exporting to HTML from the command line. The input file is in BibTex. Is it possible to convert the “\titles” of entries into “sentence case” for the HTML output, similar to the “save action” but without converting the BibTex file itself? The “save action” only seems to work when manually saving or exporting the BibTex file from the GUI.

  • Is there a way to export to HTML from the command line using the CSL definitions?

Hello @wolke!

I don’t believe that the CSL/sentence case exporting features currently exist. I guess the closest workflow at the moment is creating a copy of the .bib file and trigger a cleanup/save action manually, which seems unsatisfactory X)

(I don’t use the CLI version of JabRef so it is possible there is something there that I am not aware of)