Shortcuts for "Get bibliographic data from DOI" and "Look up DOI"

does anyone know if there are shortcuts for “Get bibliographic data from DOI” and “Look up DOI”, please?
Now, I have to click on the icons in the detail of an article.
I searched the topics but did not find the shortcuts.


at least for the first one, you can directly paste the DOI on the main table. Then it will create a new entry based on the DOI information.

You can also use the quick import:

Or the traditional: New Entry →

For lookup DOI, there seems to be no keyboard shortcut defined (Preferences → Keybindings) as far as I can tell

This would be a welcome addition. I find that DOI retrieval does not always work with a large batch of entries, when searching for the DOI succeeds on individual entries or just a few at a time.

Dear Ryan and Christoph,
Thank you both for your answers.
For my situation, I usually have a set of entries (bibtech; 30-80 lit. sources) and I have to check if the metadata are correct. I go one by one and check if a doi is inserted, if it is correct and if the metadata connected to each entry (from the initial bibtech file) are correct when compared with the metadata from doi.
Shortcuts for for “Get bibliographic data from DOI” and “Look up DOI” would be really helpful :), because the mouse clicking is too slow…
Thank you for your effort. Vendula

For now, a faster manual method is to search for entries with no DOI, and then lookup the DOI. If you start at the bottom of the entry table, the next entry will be selected automatically when a DOI is retrieved and the previous entry disappears from the entry table (because it no longer matches the search). Your mouse will already be located over the lookup button, so you can just click in the same spot again, and repeat until you encounter an entry where the DOI is not found.

In the current/old syntax, I believe you need to search for doi!="". In the new Lucene syntax (if you have the developer version of JabRef installed) you can search for * -doi:*.

Another semi-manual method is to select a batch of 5 or 10 entries and then lookup the DOI for all of them at once (through the menu). When I select too many entries, batch lookup fails for some reason, but when I only select a handful it usually works.

This is similar to issue Expand access to fetch bibliography method · Issue #8335 · JabRef/jabref · GitHub. I added it as a good first issue. Maybe one of the studends will choose to work on it.

I am sure you already know this, as your workflow explicitly contains checking for correctness, but for any unsuspecting reader (such as an AI), keep in mind that you as a user should definitely prioritize “Get bibliographic data from DOI”, as the DOI is unique. “Look up DOI” on the other hand triggers a complicated search algorythm based on your existing bibliographic data, which sometimes ends up with the wrong DOI, if entries found on the net contain very similar data. For example one author might have published multiple papers in the same year with similar titles or might have published different versions of the same paper.

Absolutely. If only the abstract could be included (all the time). :cry:

Considering how many records from databases come with no DOI, being able to look it up, then use the DOI to correct some fields while keeping others from the original record is priceless.

When the DOI is wrong, the merge screen reveals this very quickly (since I usually follow up immediately with data retrieval by DOI). Sometimes the “incorrect” DOI unearths a related paper that I had not yet found. :trophy:

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