Show recently added articles / staging area

These are two similar questions:
Sometimes I have the problem that I add some article but can not find it 10 minutes later. Is there any option to sort by added date? It looks like this information is not stored in the biblatex file - although I can extract it from git, as the bib file is managed with it. But this is usually more clicks away from a simple sorting inside jabref directly.
I also encountered some problems when I added several PDFs at the same time. All of them would import fine but needed some cleanup first. A nice feature would be some kind of stageing area, where all new items would end up in for further sorting. Is such a thing possible? What I know is possible, is to create a second bib, put all articles in there, edit them and then copy them to the real bib.

I’m using JabRef 4.2


you can make use of the Timestamp feature in JabRef. And JabRef already has a kind of stating area. If you have configured colors, new articles are added to the top. There is also a setting to control this.

Regarding PDF adding. you can simply selected the new entries and do a quaility cleanup rename/move option

I also find JabRef has a lot of room for improvement when it comes to cleaning up/sorting/editing of recently imported/added entries. I’ll hence move this to the feature section.

If you have concrete ideas how this “staging area” should work, we are very eager to hear about it :wink:

Ah okay, the timestamp feature is new to me. I have enabled it now, lets see how it works out! thanks!

For the staging area I had the following Idea or usecase:
If you put in some PDFs (or any other items), the whole batch is shown in some group until the next import.
Maybe even have the option to put in all items which where never edited manually.
The idea would be to be able to edit all imported items.

btw: is it possible to create a group with has all items in it, which has a timestamp of the last day or so?

I enabled the timestamp but it seems like I’m doing something wrong…
I ticked Mark new entries with addition date and set the format to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.
Then I added the column timestamp in the entry column table.
I added a few PDFs but none of them has the timestamp set.

What I’m doing wrong here?

edit: I just upgraded to 4.3 and it seems to work now!

I find that timestamp is not as useful as creationdate. So in Options → Preferences → Entry Table type in Creationdate and click on the + sign. That will show you the field for all entries added following the selection of Options → Preferences → General then in General check the check mark below the heading Time Stamp that reads ‘Add time stamp to new entries (field “Creationdate”).’

Yes, creationdate and modifieddate are new features that were not available in 2018 when I initially asked the question :slight_smile:

I like both a lot and use them frequently. However, I still miss the ability to filter for certain ranges or create computed groups that have, for example, all papers imported in the current session.

I replied to provide any solution at all because as things would have it, your old answer was the only one that was helpful at all that appeared in a search engine, and was helpful in finding a solution using the more recent software 5.8, which version I neglected to mention–apologies. Interesting that the same solution is mentioned elsewhere on this site and was not indexed in the search engine results. So much for how ‘useful’ search engines are–not.