I want to install localcopy, but I cant find the plugin menu in my sofware, where’s the plugin menu? I cant find it in my sofware, I’m a freshman ,help me please.
Plugins are no longer supported since version 3.0.
However, most features of localcopy are now directly integrated in JabRef. What do you want to achieve?
Thank you for your answer! I want to download papers directly in the jabref. And what should i do
To add new bib-entries to your database you can use the “Web search” feature. Click “Search” -> “Web search” to open it:
Here you can select one of various sources to be searched.
If you already know a DOI, ISBN, or another identifier you can also use the “BibTeX” -> “new entry” functionality to directly lookup the data:
If you want to add a fulltext to an existing entry you can try the autodownload feature in the “General” Tab of the Entry Editor:
If you already have the PDF on your machine you can simply click on the “+” button next to the file field (also visible in the previous screenshot) and choose the file.
Thank you very much! Now I can download papers directly, But there’s another question. After I download papers, I cant open the pdf. It note “Status: Unable to open link”
I must remove the link, and attach file again, after this i can open the pdf. That’s why?
Oh, I konw that’s why. There 's not the path after the paper be downloaded. After I add the path, the pdf can be opened.
And why cant the path be added auto?
Thank you very much for your help !