This is the first time for me writing here. I am using JabRef to share a SQL database at my office.
I recently wanted to add some technical reports. Thus, these reports are considered as books, which are identified by an European Article Numbering instead of an ISBN since 2007 in my country (France).
Would it be possible to implement the EAN identifier to add an entry? Has it already been considered?
Thank you for your answer,
thanks for using JabRef! As far as I remember, the only related issue to this is about the validation of such numbers, Add validation checker for other IDs Ā· Issue #4449 Ā· JabRef/jabref Ā· GitHub
Have you tried the ISBN fetcher with the EAN number?
But so far and it has not been considered yet. I think it might be possible to use https://opengtindb.org/
Can you provide some example numbers?
Thanks for the reply!
Yes, I read that previous issue. I tried the ISBN fetcher with the EAN number but the EAN is not recognized.
Here are some examples of EAN: 9791029711329 , 9791029703003 ,
coming from this online library (sorry in French): https://librairie.ademe.fr/air-et-bruit/1321-convergence-des-actions-bruit-climat-air-energie-pour-une-planification-performante-9791029711312.html
I didnāt find these references on the Open EAN/GTIN Database. However, after reading your message and finding other information about ISBN/EAN on the web, it seems that there are not so much technical reports with EAN identifier. And maybe the ones that I tried to enter are just too recent (2017/2019)?
from the link I checked the details (Fiche technique) on that page and tried this number
EAN format impression 9791029711312
That works with the existing ISBN fetcher.
The prefix 978 or 979 is usually an indicator of an ISBN
author = {Strauss, Philippe},
date = {2019},
title = {Convergence des actions bruit, climat, air, eĢnergie pour une planification performante : des pistes pour comprendre et pour agir sur les territoires},
isbn = {9791029711312},
location = {Angers},
publisher = {ADEME},
Indeed, it works for me too. Should have checked with that one before creating a topicā¦ Thanks! So the ISBN fetcher is suitable with EAN identifiers.
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