BibTeX Key Generator not ignoring all special characters, leaving dollars signs ($) and underscores

I am using Jabref 5.0 on Ubuntu. When I generated bibtex keys, i use [auth][year][veryshorttitle]. Some titles have dollar signs in them, I want these removed as it’s very ugly in the tex when you have \cite{smith2020$$} because the special characters inside were removed but not the dollar signs. When I go to the settings/patterns for the bibtex key generator, there is nothing to address this. There is a spot for regex shit but it’s useless as even if I enter a regex pattern nothing happens.


I sugget you try out the latest development version (5.2, as there have been some fixes and improvements to the keygenerator)

It is recommended to make a backup of your libary before trying out the new version.

@Tony_S.F please only post in one thread. You can remove characters in more recent versions of JabRef, see screenshot from JabRef 5.1–2020-08-30–e023aa0