Can't have string # in one entry


I’ve used the newest version for Macs:
JabRef 5.15–2024-07-10–1eb3493
Mac OS X 15.3 aarch64

and found that the string “#” will always be automatically deleted in an entry. For example, if I want to put “proc # sosa” in the booktitle entry, I get “procsosa” when I save the file. Can I make any changes in File->Preferences to keep “#” displayed?



under Preferences → Entry → Resole Bibtex Strings
Add your field(s) separated with a semicolon



Thanks for the response. However, it seems still not working even I put this:

Do you have any cleanup operations defined for the field(s)?

How is your BibTeX string defined, I mean, what replacement value? Is this perhabs the replacement value that is defined and automatically gets replaced while JabRef resolves the String value?

I just tried it out in the latest dev version (no BibTeX strings defined) at all and just


Thanks very much. I also tried to use the development version:

But still didn’t get what you have. I don’t think I have used anything about the string replacement before…However, How do I check where the replacement value is defined?



they are defined in the bib file at the beginning of the file or you can see them in the Library → library Properties → String constants