Entry preview - biblatex fields (journaltitle)

Hi all,

I would like to use another entry preview than the default, for example, the American Political Science Association style. Although, I tried others with the same result. However, it never shows the field ‘journaltitle’, but only grabs ‘journal’ from my database. The journal field is empty as I follow the biblatex convention. Is there something I can do about it?

I also looked at the style file but I do not understand how I would make that change. Any help is appreciated.

Please let me also use this opportunity (my first post in this forum) to thank all the developers and contributors for their great work. I’ve been using JabRef for maybe 9 years and it has become better and better. It has become such a wonderful tool easily rivaling commercial solutions!

Thank you!


Please let me also use this opportunity (my first post in this forum) to thank all the developers and contributors for their great work. I’ve been using JabRef for maybe 9 years and it has become better and better. It has become such a wonderful tool easily rivaling commercial solutions!

Thanks for your kind words! There are many was to contribute to JabRef , even if you’re not a programmer.

it seems like the CSL styles do not take into account the fields for biblatex. So the easiest workaround would be to fill both fields. Normally the field should be treated as alias to the bibtex journal field internally, but I will look into is.

Is there currently a way to edit the CSL styles? It seems like that would be easy enough, if it is already setup.

So this is a case of “I should have tried the proposed solution first and then posted.” Not that the proposed solution worked, mind you, but that it revealed the actual problem. When I pasted the journaltitle field into the journal field, both fields printed! Only one field was formatted in italics, but both were there.

I am not completely certain why this would be, but it seems that the inclusion algorithm is only triggering when there is a journal field, and not when there is a journal OR journaltitle field, and it isn’t excluding the obsolete field when there are both.

Sorry, I’m a bit confused right now, could you outline your steps?