Find new files (PDFs) in and under the BIB file location

Is there an posibility to find NEW files in and underneath where the BIB file is located such that one can see if others have put new PDFs somewhere without updating the bibtex file?


no automatically this is not possible, but you might want to check out “Find unlinked files” which can search a directory for files which are not yet linked to any entry.


Hi Christoph, yes I have found this ‘Find unlinked files’. The problem is that this shows all unlinked files without showing the date of the file-creation, or what would be even better, allows not to restrict on new (1 day, 1 week, …) files. As I have - due to historic reason - quite a lot of unlinked files I cannot use this functionality as it is implemented so far.

The problem is that this shows all unlinked files without showing the date of the file-creation, or what would be even better, allows not to restrict on new (1 day, 1 week, …) files

This indeed sounds like a useful enhancement or feature request. I would encourage you to file an issue at our bug tracker GitHub - JabRef/jabref: Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases