Help me identifying these elements for my theme

I’m working on a minimalist black theme for JabRef (AdamWysokinski/JabRef-black: Black minimalist theme for JabRef - Could someone please help me identifying the CSS object that represents these two white backgrounds:



currently not the JabRef code at hand but you could try checking with scenic view.
You start JabRef, then scenic view and can then “connect” to JabRef’s Window

GitHub - JonathanGiles/scenic-view: Scenic View is a JavaFX application designed to make it simple to understand the current state of your application scenegraph, and to also easily manipulate properties of the scenegraph without having to keep editing your code. This lets you find bugs, and get things pixel perfect without having to do the compile-check-compile dance.

PS: Would be cool if you could submit your theme to

Thank you, but when I run scenic-view, I get these errors: Failed to load agent library: java.lang.module.FindException: Module java.instrument not found
	at jdk.attach/ Source)
	at jdk.attach/ Source)
	at jdk.attach/ Source)
	at jdk.attach/ Source)
	at jdk.attach/ Source)
	at org.scenicview.scenicview/org.fxconnector.remote.RemoteConnectorImpl.loadAgent(Unknown Source)
	at org.scenicview.scenicview/org.fxconnector.remote.RemoteConnectorImpl$ Source)

re PS: I will!

Theme submitted, would you take a look and merge?