I upgraded to JabRef 5.5 and tried to add the abbreviated journal with the dot but I get some errors as in the attached picture, how can I solve this, please?
the file I am trying to add is * ISI Web of Science (with dots) by Alistair Auffret. on Win10, 64
Hi, this is odd. I cannot reproduce it. This file works fine for me.
Did you click on download? abbrv.jabref.org/journal_abbreviations_webofscience-dots.csv at main · JabRef/abbrv.jabref.org · GitHub
And then right click Save as
I did now and it is working, thanks a lot.
I am trying to perform the same operation. The built-in JabRef 5.5 Journal abbreviation list got rid of the periods (dots) that were in version 5.4. I downloaded the …webofscient-dots.csv file and selected it in Options>Preferences>Journal abbreviations and verified the periods were present. After I press Save, the spinning wheel takes about 15 sec before it says Preferences are saved. However, I do not get the period abbreviations in the Journal field using the toggle switch, and when I go back to preferences it is back set to the built-in list without periods. (macOS 10.11.6) I want to get back to situation of 5.4 where the toggle switch cycles between (i) full, (ii) abbrev. with periods, and (iii) abbrev. without periods.
I am also facing that problem, once I add the file the spinning wheel takes a while too.
Did you restart JabRef after adding the new journal abbrevs?
When I close it the app will not run anymore…I click twice on the app icon but no response
I just go back to version 5.0 and all is normal now…I will wait for the new version and see…
This is odd. Can you please open an issue here with a clear description what steps you did and what happened? Than it’s easier for us to reproduce.