How to remove double dots in titles?

in the titles of my references, some entries have double dots. This is because I used “.” in the postText of Export-Filter_Editor_Linux_64bit_V04b and only a subset of the references I download from PubMed has a final dot in the title.
How can I remove double dots when present? I reckon it must be a kind of logical instruction, but how and where to place it?

The types of layouts I have are like this:

article=\begin{author}. \format[Authors(LastFirst,FirstInitial,NoPunc,sep=\, ,LastSep=\, ,EtAl= et al,15,15),]{\author}\end{author}.\begin{title} \format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\title} \end{title}\begin{journal}\format[JournalAbbreviator]{\journal}\end{journal}.\begin{year} \year\uniq;\end{year}\begin{volume}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\volume}\end{volume}\begin{number}(\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\number})\end{number}:\begin{pages}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}.\end{pages}<be>

default=\begin{author}\format[Authors(LastFirst,FirstInitial,NoPunc,sep=\, ,LastSep= & ,EtAl= et al.,10,9),]{\author} \end{author}\begin{year}(\year\uniq) \end{year}\begin{title}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\title}. \end{title}\begin{journal}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,JournalAbbreviator]{\journal} \end{journal}\begin{volume}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\volume}, \end{volume}\begin{pages}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}.\end{pages}<be>

Thank you

I’ve never used this but at least in theory something like this should work (if you replace the equivalent section of your layout files)

\begin{title}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,Replace(\.\.,)]{\title}. \end{title}


\begin{title}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,Replace(\.\.,.)]{\title}. \end{title}

I think you might have to use " if you want to use [ or ] though

Perhaps using $ to match the line ending is more useful in your circumstances?

I tried to change from

default=\begin{author}\format[Authors(LastFirst,FirstInitial,NoPunc,sep=\, ,LastSep= & ,EtAl= et al.,10,9),]{\author} \end{author}\begin{year}(\year\uniq) \end{year}\begin{title}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\title}. \end{title}\begin{journal}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,JournalAbbreviator]{\journal} \end{journal}\begin{volume}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\volume}, \end{volume}\begin{pages}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}.\end{pages}<be>


,LastSep= & ,EtAl= et al.,10,9),]{\author} \end{author}\begin{year}(\year\uniq) 
journal} \end{journal}\begin{volume}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\volume}, 

but only the number comes out. the rest is blank…

What numbers? The year? If you copy-pasted you probably need to add a ,,




(with a slight improvement to the regex)

Thank you, but I am geting:


Instead of

1. Abike, F., Engin, A.B., Dunder, I., Tapisiz, O.L., Aslan, C., and Kutluay, L. (2011) Human papilloma virus persistence and neopterin, folate and homocysteine levels in cervical dysplasias.. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 284, 209-14.
2. Abraham, A., Kattoor, A.J., Saldeen, T., and Mehta, J.L. (2019) Vitamin E and its anticancer effects.. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59, 2831-2838.
3. Aceves, C., Mendieta, I., Anguiano, B., and Delgado-González, E. (2021) Molecular Iodine Has Extrathyroidal Effects as an Antioxidant, Differentiator, and Immunomodulator.. International journal of molecular sciences, 22, .
4. Albanes, D., Mondul, A.M., Yu, K., Parisi, D., Horst, R.L., Virtamo, J., and Weinstein, S.J. (2011) Serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D and prostate cancer risk in a large nested case-control study.. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology, 20, 1850-60.

Could you just step me through what it is you are doing?

At the moment I am testing this as a “custom export” (File → Export → Export selected entries), which works with

\begin{author}\format[Authors(LastFirst,FirstInitial,NoPunc,sep=\, ,LastSep= & ,EtAl= et al.,10,9),]{\author} \end{author}\begin{year}(\year\uniq)\end{year}\begin{title}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,Replace(\.\.,)]{\title}. \end{title}\begin{journal}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,JournalAbbreviator]{\journal} \end{journal}\begin{volume}\format[RemoveLatexCommands]{\volume}, \end{volume}\begin{pages}\format[RemoveLatexCommands,FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}.\end{pages}

but I am guessing you are doing something slightly different, and I don’t know what, so I can’t try it and figure out what is going wrong.

(Right now I am testing it in

JabRef 5.3--2021-07-14--477118c
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Java 16.0.1 
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Not much to add… At the moment I get a double dot after the title:

1. Abike, F., Engin, A.B., Dunder, I., Tapisiz, O.L., Aslan, C., and Kutluay, L. (2011) Human papilloma virus persistence and neopterin, folate and homocysteine levels in cervical dysplasias.. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 284, 209-14.
2. Abraham, A., Kattoor, A.J., Saldeen, T., and Mehta, J.L. (2019) Vitamin E and its anticancer effects.. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59, 2831-2838.
3. Aceves, C., Mendieta, I., Anguiano, B., and Delgado-González, E. (2021) Molecular Iodine Has Extrathyroidal Effects as an Antioxidant, Differentiator, and Immunomodulator. International journal of molecular sciences, 22, .

But this is not consistent because sometimes titles are stored in PubMed without a final dot, in which case there is a single dot correctly set by JabRef’s formatting. I need to get a consistent single dot after the title:

1. Abike, F., Engin, A.B., Dunder, I., Tapisiz, O.L., Aslan, C., and Kutluay, L. (2011) Human papilloma virus persistence and neopterin, folate and homocysteine levels in cervical dysplasias. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 284, 209-14.
2. Abraham, A., Kattoor, A.J., Saldeen, T., and Mehta, J.L. (2019) Vitamin E and its anticancer effects. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59, 2831-2838.
3. Aceves, C., Mendieta, I., Anguiano, B., and Delgado-González, E. (2021) Molecular Iodine Has Extrathyroidal Effects as an Antioxidant, Differentiator, and Immunomodulator. International journal of molecular sciences, 22, .

Yes, but where is it that you are getting it? Are you using a custom export filter?

I don’t know where this is in JabRef. I know some of the internal of how JabRef deals with layouts but I don’t know where this is in JabRef so I can’t test it myself.

I can only tell you that it should be possible to do