How to report problems in the distributed version 5.14 ensuring that one can no longer work with jabref?

Dear Christoph,

thanks for your remark. I have successfully tried the snap version from the edge channel. I am just not sure if it is a bug or a feature that the existing preference file seems to be ignored.
Concerning the preference file: I tried to load a preference file that I had created with JabRef 5.13 into the new jabref version. When i pressed the save bottom in the Preferences windows afterwards the following error message window appeared:


The content of error message were:
errors.txt (12.1 KB)

My preferences file is
pref-2024-07-09.xml (45.3 KB)

Maybe this is only a problem for me, but this may also be a problem for other users of JabRef who would like to continue to use their old preferences.