Importing Endnote label field to jabref from xml file

Hello all and thanks in advance for your help.

I’m trying to export a reference database from a trial version of endnote 20.
In endnote, all my references have a label field which I want to recover within jabref.

When importing to jabref from the xml file, the label field disappears and this is a pity for me as this label is later used in database to reference the data.

How to cope with this problem and to make the label field from endnote coming into any field of jabref ?

Hope there is a solution.

Thanks for your help

All the best



I am not entirely sure I understand the purpose of the label. Can you explain this in more detail? Or add some context? e.g. How should it be mapped in JabRef/bibtex?



the label was given to any single publication in the old endnote base. This label appears on the paper-version of the article ad hence in the endnote database. Later this label was used to reference data that are stored in an ACCESS data base. Now we want to transfer this database to mySQL and we need to get the bibliographic database in something like .bib format with the label inside in order to connect the data with the references.

That’s why I’m looking to transfer my old endnote database to jabref but also why I need the label to be transfer.



Okay, I am thinking about just creating a custom bibtex field e.g endnote-label to store the value if that’s enough for you.
We do a similar approach for the MSOffie import

Edit// For testing purposes it would be nice if you could send me a part of the xml with the label or the whole file. If you don’t want to upload it here, you can send us a mail to


I have sent you via the provided email address the xml file.

thanks a lot.
