JabRef Browser Plugin setup (Firefox running on MacOS)

after also experiencing the issue https://github.com/JabRef/JabRef-Browser-Extension/issues/158. Thus I am following the browser extension docs to set it up ‘by hand’.

However there seems to be no jabrefHost.py on my System. (Even though the JabRef 5.0.50001 and the firefox browser extension is installed on firefox v77.0.1.

Where do I retrieve it?
Moreover, where is the correct place to place it?
Is it the lib directory of the app, i.e. /Applications/JabRef.app/Contents/runtime/Contents/Home/lib?
According to the file org.jabref.jabref.json linked in the docs (which is for linux) it should be in /opt/jabref/lib.


Hi @LyzardKing is currently trying to configure the setup for mac as well, so that the extension can be installed automatically. Maybe he has an idea.
For reference:

Yes, in that PR I’m also trying to include the proper files in the macos build.
I’m working with a vm, so testing and progress is a bit slow…
It should work better (already have the correct files included)