Mr. DLib Not working "No Recommendations Received from Mr. DLib for this entry" (and every entry)

I am trying to get the related articles tab to work for JabRef. Every time I click on the tab for any article, it says “No Recommendations Received from Mr. DLib for this entry” (screenshot below). I have tried this on Windows 10 with Jabref versions 5.0 and 5.2. I’m not sure what is going on. I have tried restarting JabRef and toggling the “Accept Recommendations from Mr DLib” option in preferences on and off. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Thanks for the report.
@joeran can probably say more about this

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I will look into this (may take some days)

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ok, that was an easy problem, we fixed it.

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Thank you! It is working now.

I am trying to get recomendations but there is no display of related articles.

Yes, the entire Mr. DLib server is down for around 10 days. We had to cancel our old server contract short notice, and are in the process of moving to a new server. We do have the new server already, but setting it up takes longer than expected. I hope it’s only a matter of a few more days.

Thank you for update

Best Reagrds

Current state: Still down, but hopefully August, it will be up and running again!

Hi everyone

Any update on JabRef related article recomendations ?


we yesterday got the news that Mr Dlib is now running on a new server and should be stable and usable again in JabRef and it will be also fed with new data.

Thanks for your patience!

i have the same problem right now

The team of @joeran brought it up again! Thank you!

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