I wanted to inform you that we released a new version of Mr. DLib Mr. DLib v1.2.1 released: Improved keyphrase extraction and Apache Lucene query handling – Mr. DLib
For JabRef, there are two relevant changes:
The presentation of the recommendations had some glitches. For instance, after each title, there was a ‘space’, and before the author names, a “space” was missing. In addition, missing journal/conference names were displayed as “NULL”
We fixed these issues -
JabRef sends queries to Mr. DLib in the form https://api.mr-dlib.org/v1/documents/$title_of_currently_selected_document/related_documents/ . So far, the title being sent was
processed case sensitive, i.e. if the title was “test” then documents containing the term “Test” would not have been found. We fixed this.