Set LastFirst author in capital letters into a jstyle citation format for LibreOffice use

I try to set up a jstyle file to use with LibreOffice. We use ABNT format (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas - Brazilian Association of Technical Standards).

Bibtex entry is:

  author    = {Helming, Katharina and Diehl, Katharina and Bach, Hanne and Dilly, Oliver and K{\"o}nig, Bettina and Kuhlman, Tom and P{\'e}rez-Soba, Marta and Sieber, Stefan and Tabbush, Paul and Tscherning, Karen and others},
  journal   = {Ecology and Society},
  title     = {\emph{Ex ante} impact assessment of policies affecting land use, Part A: analytical framework},
  year      = {2011},
  number    = {1},
  volume    = {16},
  publisher = {JSTOR},

My Layout in ABNT.jstyle file is like this:

article=\format[Authors(LastFirst,FullName,Semicolon,Semicolon,EtAl= et al,3)]{\author}.
\title. <b>\journal</b>,\begin {address}\address;\end{address}\begin{volume} v. \volume,\end{volume}\begin{number} n. \number,\end{number}\begin {pages}p. \format[FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}.\end{pages} \year\uniq\begin{doi}doi:\format[DOIStrip]{\doi}.\end{doi}\begin{url} Disponível em: \url.\end{url}\begin{urldate} Acesso em: \format[DateFormatter(dd/MM/yyy)]{\urldate}\end{urldate}.

In LibreOffice, I got:

Helming, Katharina et al. Ex ante impact assessment of policies affecting land use, Part A: analytical framework. Ecology and Society, v. 16, n. 1, 2011a.

However, is needed:

HELMING, Katharina et al. Ex ante impact assessment of policies affecting land use, Part A: analytical framework. Ecology and Society, v. 16, n. 1, 2011a.

First author’s last name need to be in uppercase letters. Only first author.

I tried to use ToUpperCase tag, but it is not work as needed.

Thank you so much!

I tried with the Export-Filter-Editor. There is the CAPITAL option, but that one capitalizes all names and looking at the raw code, it turns out this option is actually ToUpperCase.


According to the documentation, ToUpperCase transforms ALL characters to uppercase, so if that is what happens to you, this would be correct.

I think what you need is to write your own custom name formatters, which split the authors down into firstname and surname. Then you can add your own custom formatter for capitalizing, which you can use in conjunction with the custom name formatter.