"Subtree closing" doesn't work


this is my first posting to the forum. I like JabRef a lot but I have a problem I can’t solve by myself. I’m working with my database (10 000 entries) and lot’s of groups and subgroups (~600 groups and subgroups). Since a couple of releases, the feature “Subtree closing” (Unteraum zuklappen) doesn’t work anymore. Even after deleting the group entries in the database and automatic new generation of groups.

Is a solution to this problem known somewhere? I’d appreciate any help.

Best regards


Hi, I’ve just tried switching to the English, no change. It’s interesting, the “Expand subtree” command works fine, the “Collapse subtree” does not work at all, which makes the use of JabRef very difficult for me. I’m working with 3.7 on a Windows 10 computer. Any ideas how to solve the problem? Best regards Bernd

Hi Bernd!

I can reproduce the behavior with the 3.7 version of JabRef.

I just created a bug report here at GitHub https://github.com/JabRef/jabref/issues/2319 and I’ll try to have a look soon.


Hi Matthias, have you made any progress in fixing this item? It’ll be of great help. Best regards Bernd

Hi Bernd!
I had a look at the relevant Part of the sourcecode but found no obvious error. As I’m not an expert in this tree stuff I’ll have to read up a bit and try to debug - but this will require more time - I currently don’t have.
So you have to wait - but I have not forgotten this issue.


Hi Bernd,
I finally found some time to fix the problem. You can check out a build available at http://builds.jabref.org/master whether it works as expected now.
