I use the web search interface constantly to import my reference into JabRef. I wrote here some idea to try to make it better.
Currently, the web search interface contains two things: a search bar and a scroll list to choose the fetcher. The web search interface takes lots of space if it is the only interface open. If other interfaces are open, like the group interface, the web search interface takes valuable space that can be used by the other interfaces.
Suggestion 1: Relocate the web search interface
JabRef has a search bar to search in the library. This search bar could be used to search in the library and the external databases. This could be achieved by adding a scroll list beside the search bar allowing to choose between the library or the different external databases.
The fetcher window in JabRef 5 is more readable than in JabRef 4, but I think that the references’ presentation can be improved.
Suggestion 2: Remove the horizontal scrolling for the fetcher window
Title of articles are generally very long. Horizontal scrolling to read the entire title is painful. Ti would be great if too long strings are soft wrapped.
A little of vertical spacing between the title and the second line could be added to distinguish between the title and the rest of the reference. This will also distinguish between the bold title and bold date.
Currently, If you want to read the entire abstract of a reference in the fetcher window, you need to click the reference. This will also select it for importation.
Suggestion 3: Show the abstract only when the mouse hovers the reference
Not showing the abstract of the reference could save lots of vertical space. This will allow to have more reference presented inside the window.
The abstract could be put inside its own bubble and appear when the mouse hovers the reference.
I also hope that the sorting possibilities from JabRef 4 will soon come back
It would be great to have options to filter fetcher results by date, authors, etc.