Arxiv considered predatory?

I recently run an integrity check against my (new) bibliographic database and I have been quite puzzled by the fact that arXiv is considered a predatory journal.

This is even weirder considering the fact that there is a dialog to import entries from arXiv.

Is there a way to tune the list of predatory journals?

To give you a bit of context, I work in a physics lab now and they massively use arXiv. I understand that articles there are not (yet) peer-reviewed but considering this predatory will be frowned upon. So maybe arXiv should be in the list of predatory journals at all.

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: I haven’t used JabRef much those last years and I am very pleased by it’s evolution.

Ideas to deal with are discussed at Double-check the bibliography for predatory publishers and journals - #7 by koppor

OK, we will continue the discussion there.

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