Customize export format in JabREF

Hi all,

Basically I’m totally bad with coding (sorry for that and I did not understand the help on the customized export layout …) but I want to export my jabref library into a csv file but with customized format as the default format does not fit what I want to do (i.e. importing the references within a mySQL database to link data to references, my engineer asks me for a specific format).

What I need is : authors, title, year, journal, volume, page and label-endnote and that’s it. No need to have the abstract, no need to have the reference cited and all other informations in the default format.

Does someone can help me ?
Thanks in advance



Hello Sébastien,
I am not sure what you call the “default format”, but, to me, it looks like the information can be set in the required format without programming: first, export your library in CSV format, and then remove/reorder the various columns in a spreadsheet.
For the export: File → Export → Export all entries. Then, type in a file name, select the format OpenOffice/LibreOffice CSV, and press Save.

thanks a lot.

Of course I have tried it but the generated csv file is quite spurious as each reference is not represented by a single row, some fields such as the cited references one appears on multiple lines which makes the csv file not operational.
So I guess that reducing the number of fields in the export should solve this issue.
In addition the field “label-endnote” is not exported by the default procedure you mentioned.


Since I have no cited references in my library, I do not have this issue of multiple lines. Maybe you could remove this information on a copy of your library, and then export it?

The OpenOffice/LibreOffice CSV export filter does not involve much programming. You will find the filter here: jabref/src/main/resources/resource/layout/openoffice at main · JabRef/jabref · GitHub
The file openoffice-csv.begin.layout is just the CSV file header.
The openoffice-csv.layout sets the actual export format. If you had ,“\label-endnote” to it, you should get it in your exported file.

To use your customized export format, go to Options → Preferences, and then “Custom export formats”. Note that the first section of Custom export filters - JabRef needed some updating; it should be OK now.

Thanks a lot … I’m pretty successful thanks to your help.

I have customized the .layout file with the required information and now the .csv file is OK (one row per reference).
However, I have added “\Label-endnote” in the file ans in the .csv file I do not have the label which is supposed to be something like B101 for each reference but only -label in all the rows. I have tried with and without the comma, same thing. In Jabber, the fiels Label-endnote appears in the “other field” menu for each reference and is well called “Label-endnote”.

Do you what could happen with this field ?


I wonder if the dash is not interpretated by JabRef as a special character…
Maybe you could rename the field into something like “Labelendnote”? (Select your entries, Edit → Automatic Field editor, tab “Rename field”).

It works perfectly now !!

Thank you very much for your help I have my .csv file as I want !



You are welcome!

JabRef is helping you on a regular basis? Please, find a way of giving back.

@sdev Took me a while to find this, but I remembered that others had a similar issue and there was a workaround/solution as well for allowing dashes

Do we need to add these two files into the
Custome Export Format under Preference

What should be the Export Name and Extension for these two