I am using the field content selectors (Wortauswahl verwalten) in order to define a set of keywords that I want to use. This helps making the keywords homogeneous and avoiding synonyms. I assume that is what the selectors are for. They used to work just fine. Now they are broken. There is a post on this from 2016: Manage Content Selector seems to be broken. The problems:
When I try to enter a keyword in a file that contains keywords, then the menu pops up so that I cannot see what I am typing.
The poping up keyword list ist not alphabetic order but in the order in which they happen to be written in the bib-file in @Comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords: …
I cannot add new keywords to the list. When I try to add a keyword via Extras > Wortauswahl verwalten, and klick ‘Apply’ or ‘OK’ the key word is not added. Same in a bib-file that before contained no selectors.
Is there a way to make the selectors work again?
please try the latest development version from here: https://builds.jabref.org/master/
Remember to make a backup of your bib file before,
content selectors in the entry editor are working through the autocomplete dialog (ctlr+ space) to open the popup.
But the manage content selector dialog is broken, I filed a bug for this.
The dialog is still a dialog with the old GUI technology and needs to be converted. It’s one of the few dialogs that have not yet been converted.
I’m having the same problems as Oriel3 with the content selector of the keywords. Plus: I’m not able to add more than one keyword. If I choose a keyword from the content selector, the previously entered keyword is replaced!
Is there any news on when this may be fixed?
Best regards,
JabRef 5.0–2020-03-06–2e6f433
Windows 10 10.0 amd64
Java 13.0.2
Thanks for your answer. I know that I need to use a comma. But it doesn’t help.
What I now do is to add a new keyword by writing ", blabla" and then use the content selector drop down menu to choose the keyword I actually want to add. This then replaces the blabla with the correct keyword.