Field content selector broken

Jabref 4.3.1, OpenSUSE Linux 15.0

I am using the field content selectors (Wortauswahl verwalten) in order to define a set of keywords that I want to use. This helps making the keywords homogeneous and avoiding synonyms. I assume that is what the selectors are for. They used to work just fine. Now they are broken. There is a post on this from 2016: Manage Content Selector seems to be broken. The problems:

  1. When I try to enter a keyword in a file that contains keywords, then the menu pops up so that I cannot see what I am typing.
  2. The poping up keyword list ist not alphabetic order but in the order in which they happen to be written in the bib-file in @Comment{jabref-meta: selector_keywords: …
  3. I cannot add new keywords to the list. When I try to add a keyword via Extras > Wortauswahl verwalten, and klick ‘Apply’ or ‘OK’ the key word is not added. Same in a bib-file that before contained no selectors.

Is there a way to make the selectors work again?


please try the latest development version from here:
Remember to make a backup of your bib file before,

content selectors in the entry editor are working through the autocomplete dialog (ctlr+ space) to open the popup.

But the manage content selector dialog is broken, I filed a bug for this.
The dialog is still a dialog with the old GUI technology and needs to be converted. It’s one of the few dialogs that have not yet been converted.


Thank you, I shall try that – or wait for the next version!


I’m having the same problems as Oriel3 with the content selector of the keywords. Plus: I’m not able to add more than one keyword. If I choose a keyword from the content selector, the previously entered keyword is replaced!

Is there any news on when this may be fixed?

Best regards,

JabRef 5.0–2020-03-06–2e6f433
Windows 10 10.0 amd64
Java 13.0.2

After you enter the keyword you need to enter the keyword separator, e.g. a comma or whatever

Hi Christoph,

Thanks for your answer. I know that I need to use a comma. But it doesn’t help. :frowning:

What I now do is to add a new keyword by writing ", blabla" and then use the content selector drop down menu to choose the keyword I actually want to add. This then replaces the blabla with the correct keyword.

ctrl + space shoud also trigger the selection if I am not mistaken