How can I fetch a references bibtex key with special character?

Version: JabRef 5.0.0-dev–2019-11-21----782953d0a

  • I tried following command but it is not recognized.
    First Attempt:/opt/jabref/bin/JabRef -f INSPIRE:arXiv:1007.5048
ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console...
Expected syntax for --fetch='<name of fetcher>:<query>'
The following fetchers are available:

(JabRef:13680): Gdk-WARNING **: 12:59:00.985: XSetErrorHandler() called with a GDK error trap pushed. Don't do that.

Second Attempt:/opt/jabref/bin/JabRef -f INSPIRE:"arXiv:1007.5048"

ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console...
Expected syntax for --fetch='<name of fetcher>:<query>'
The following fetchers are available:

(JabRef:13499): Gdk-WARNING **: 12:57:12.179: XSetErrorHandler() called with a GDK error trap pushed. Don't do that.

On the other hand if I enter /opt/jabref/bin/JabRef -f INSPIRE:neutrino it works. Thus, I need to understand how should I put special characters (: , . , etc.) in the fetch syntax.

  • Also, how can I add fetched reference to current bib file? I do not want to add created temporary ‘untitled’ file.

This was actually a bug / limitation in the code. Should be fixed now in the latest development version available under (in about 20 mins).

Thank you. I will try to make a chrome extension with that.

A few weeks ago, we ported JabFox (the add-on for Firefox) to Chrome. A semi-open beta version can be found at

As you seem to have any experience with extension development, you are more then welcome to contribute to There are still a few minor issues that need to be fixed. Would be wonderful to get help with these.

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