ISSN fetch noch working

Hello everyone,

I need to finish my Master Thesis this week. I am using Jabref 5.15 Windows.
I have created a new and empty articly entry, inserted the number 1610-2371 in the ISSN field and wanted to fetch the data. Unfortunately it is not working.
I have tried numbers like 2729-8043 or 1741-7015 but my orginal number was 1610-2371.
Always I am getting the message: error by fetchting the journal information: ISSN and/or journal name was not found in the catalogue (error message translated from German by me).

Is ISSN working with you? What can I do to repair it? Do you have a working number, which I could try?


I am very sorry for the late response. ISSN fetching was introduced in the following pull-request: JabRef fetches ISSNs from DOAJ. If it is not in their database, there is nothing you can do at the moment, but to me, it looks more like that fetcher is broken. I get the following error message:

Error occurred (certificate_unknown) PKIX path validation failed: validity check failed
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A workaround would be to fetch entries via ID (I recommend DOI). See Add entry using an ID | JabRef

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OK, thank you! You are mentioning a fetcher. Is this part of jabref or of something else? Does this bug needs to be reported and how?

I already opened an issue at github: Fix ISSN fetcher · Issue #12357 · JabRef/jabref · GitHub
I suspect DOAJ either introduced or changed a certificate that is required to access their API. Certificates often expire at the end of the year, so simply could be something temporary. Maybe JabRef also is querying their old API v3 instead of their new v4.

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Thank you for helping :slight_smile:

Please try to click on the link, Thilo provided. You will see the JabRef logo. This indicates that is part of JabRef. Try to use the functionality in JabRef.

In short: Yes

Please say what can improved in the documentation to guide you finding that thing in JabRef.

Fetchin ISSNs works now again. It was a certificate issue.
For example 15454509 will give you the correct journal information