November 15, 2020, 8:46pm
it works the same across all platforms. You have to first open the LibreOffice/OpenOffice view. The connect button is the top left one above the “Select style”.
You first have to start LibreOffice and open a writer document. Then connect will try to connect to LIbreOffice and you can start. No plugin needed.
Feel free to edit/improve the documentation!
For newer Ubuntu versions you might have to uninstall the snap verison of LIbreOffice and replaced with the repo version
I have the same problem. I setted manually the directory of libreoffice program classes.
The Jabref start search for the synchrony and finish with the error of Autodetection failed:
at org.jabref@5.2.233/org.jabref.gui.openoffice.Bootstrap.bootstrap(Unknown Source)
at org.jabref@5.2.233/org.jabref.gui.openoffice.Bootstrap.bootstrap(Unknown Source)
at org.jabref@5.2.233/org.jabref.gui.openoffice.OOBibBase.simpleBootstrap(Unknown Source)
at or…