I regularly use the ‘New Entry From Plain Text’, I find it saves me a lot of time manually Inputing references, especially when i need to get Jabref to automatically discover DOI for my reference lists.
However, I have noticed that the ‘New Entry From Plain Text’ function only works intermittently, but I am struggling to determine why… The function simply returns the text - ‘0 Entries were parse from your query’.
A search has revealed that there does seem to be an issue where the service required by the parser: http://grobid.jabref.org:8070 is not always working and requires a reboot.
Is anyone able to confirm this is the case, and also, whether there are any plans to address this is future versions of Jabref - I wonder if it’s possible to add an alert to advise that the gorbid server is returning an error.
I note at present if I goto the gorbid server and attempt to process a citation manually on the site, it currently returns the following error:
Error encountered while requesting the server.
Problem accessing /api/processCitation. Reason:
Service Unavailable