I need to reference PMCID in all NIH proposals and bio-sketches. Right now, i don’t see any way to do that. Please note that PMID is different and does exist and is accessible through Options>Customize Entry Types. Can you please add PMCID, - or better still - permit the user to add a new type not already listed in the dropdown box.
Hi ThiloteE, thanks for the response. But I don’t want a new entry type (meaning a new article/book/etc.). What I need is to be able to add a new field to @article (for example). So, the bib file, after adding the new field would need to look like this for example. Note the new field pmcid = {}.
author = {Tonna, Joseph E. and Selzman, Craig H. and Girotra, Saket and Presson, Angela P. and Thiagarajan, Ravi R. and Becker, Lance B. and Zhang, Chong and Rycus, Peter and Keenan, Heather T.},
journal = {JACC. Cardiovascular interventions},
title = {Resuscitation Using ECPR During In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (RESCUE-IHCA) Mortality Prediction Score and External Validation.},
year = {2022},
month = {Feb},
pages = {237-247},
pmcid = {PMC8837656},
volume = {15},
article-doi = {10.1016/j.jcin.2021.09.032},
issue = {3},
keywords = {extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation},
language = {eng},
linking-issn = {1936-8798},
location-id = {10.1016/j.jcin.2021.09.032 [doi]},
manuscript-id = {NIHMS1745844},
nlm-unique-id = {101467004},
owner = {NLM},
print-issn = {1936-8798},
publication-status = {ppublish},
revised = {20220214},
source = {JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2022 Feb 14;15(3):237-247. doi: 10.1016/j.jcin.2021.09.032. Epub 2022 Jan 12.},
title-abbreviation = {JACC Cardiovasc Interv},
But that doesn’t work. The ‘+’ works only if it is a field that is already defined and is in the dropdown box. If would be great if you let me know if it works for you in which case I will reinstall Jabref and try.