Set entry preview

Hello, I use “article” and an own entry type “juris” for court rulings.

  1. I want the „Inhalt“ and „Instanzen“ fields to appear in the entry preview only if they contain an entry.

  2. For the field “Instanzen” I simply inserted a new field in the settings in the own entry type “Juris”. In the preview, however, no new line is started, although I start a new line when entering. When I close and restart the program, the new line is gone and the two texts hang exactly one after the other and not in two lines.

I want:
VGH Mannheim - 13.07.2004 - AZ: VGH 5 S 1205/03
VGH Baden-Württemberg - 13.07.2004 - AZ: VGH 5 S 1205/03
And get:
VGH Mannheim - 13.07.2004 - AZ: VGH 5 S 1205/03 VGH Baden-Württemberg - 13.07.2004 - AZ: VGH 5 S 1205/03

<font face = "Arial"><font size = "5">
<u><b>\begin{author}\format[Authors(LastFirst,Fullname,sep= & ,LastSep= & ,EtAl= et al.,2,2),HTMLChars]{\author} \end{author}</b></u>
\begin{year}(\format[HTMLChars]{\year}): \end{year}
<u><b>\begin{gericht}\format[HTMLChars]{\gericht}, \end{gericht}</b></u>
<br><font size = "4">
\begin{title}\format[HTMLChars]{\title}. \end{title}
\begin{datum} vom \format[HTMLChars]{\datum}\end{datum}
\begin{ref_numb} - \format[HTMLChars]{\ref_numb}\end{ref_numb}
<i>\begin{journal} In: \format[HTMLChars]{\journal},  \end{journal}
\begin{volume}Jg. \format[HTMLChars]{\volume}, \end{volume}
\begin{number}Hf. \format[HTMLChars]{\number}, \end{number}
\begin{pages}S. \format[HTMLChars,FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}\end{pages}</i><br><br>
<b><u>Inhalt: </b></u><br>\begin{abstract}\format[HTMLChars]{\abstract} \end{abstract}<br><br>
<b><u>Instanzen: </b></u><br>
\begin{instanzen}\format[HTMLChars]{\instanzen} \end{instanzen}

I have no experience in HMTL… Can someone please help me?

Beste regards


if you want to have a newline in html you need to enter a <br> tag
<b>Text</b> is for bold text and

Viele Grüße

Thank you for your answer
I’m Not a HTML Profi, but …I think
<br> i can use in the entry preview between two different fields Like <author> <br> <title>.
I’ve created a new field ‘instanzen’. The Text in this field contains in short the judgment of two different courts, Like ‘VGH_1, VGH_2.’ So, my wish, the entries should be in two lines and not in one line in a row.
it also works for the standard field ‘abstract’. The input is accepted one to one.
Thats all i want for my created field ‘instanzen’
Best regards geophil

So, with copy and paste the result of the entry preview corresponds to my ideas. But. So that the different instances in the courts are presented in two lines and not in one line, I have created two fields in the entry editor and not one. When entering it, it is of course not so nice that this is entered in two fields. It would make sense if only one field is used for this and in the entry preview the different instances are automatically displayed below.

Like this in my entry preview:

<font face="sans-serif"><b>\bibtextype</b><a name="\citationkey">\begin{citationkey} (\citationkey)</a>\end{citationkey}
\begin{author}<BR><BR><b>\format[Authors(LastFirst, FullName,Sep= / ,LastSep= / ),HTMLChars]{\author}</b>\end{author}
\begin{editor & !author}<BR><BR><b>\format[Authors(LastFirst,FullName,Sep= / ,LastSep= / ),HTMLChars]{\editor} (\format[IfPlural(Eds.,Ed.)]{\editor})</b>\end{editor & !author}
\begin{title}<BR><i>\format[HTMLChars]{\title}</i> \end{title}
\begin{type}<BR><i>\format[HTMLChars]{\type} \end{type}
\begin{Datum} vom \format[HTMLChars]{\Datum} \end{Datum}
\begin{ref_numb}, AZ: \format[HTMLChars]{\ref_numb} \end{ref_numb}</i>
<BR>\begin{edition}, \edition. edition\end{edition}
\begin{editor & author}<BR><BR>\format[Authors(LastFirst,FullName,Sep= / ,LastSep= / ),HTMLChars]{\editor} (\format[IfPlural(Eds.,Ed.)]{\editor})\end{editor & author}
\begin{chapter} \format[HTMLChars]{\chapter}<BR>\end{chapter}\begin{editor & !author}<BR>\end{editor & !author}\begin{!editor}<BR>\end{!editor}\begin{journal}<BR><i>\format[HTMLChars]{\journal}</i> \end{journal} \begin{volume}, Jg. \volume\end{volume}\begin{series}<BR>\format[HTMLChars]{\series}\end{series}\begin{number}, Hf. \format[HTMLChars]{\number}\end{number}\begin{pages}, S. \format[FormatPagesForHTML]{\pages}\end{pages}
\begin{school} \format[HTMLChars]{\school}, \end{school}
\begin{institution} <em>\format[HTMLChars]{\institution}, </em>\end{institution}
\begin{abstract}<BR><BR><b>Inhalt: </b><br>\format[HTMLChars]{\abstract} \end{abstract}
\begin{instanz_1}<BR><BR><b>Instanz/en: </b><br>\format[HTMLChars]{\instanz_1} \end{instanz_1}<br>
\begin{instanz_2}\format[HTMLChars]{\instanz_2} \end{instanz_2}<br>
\begin{owncitation}<BR><BR><b>Own citation: </b>\format[HTMLChars]{\owncitation} \end{owncitation}
\begin{comment}<BR><BR><b>Comment: </b>\format[HTMLChars]{\comment}\end{comment}

but not like this in my entry editor:

Is there a solution for this?

greeting & thanks

Hi, yes there is a kind of hacky solution: You can define a field to be multiline by adding it in the Preferences → File → Saving → Do not wrap the following fields when saving: Add your custom field(s) you want to have as multiline. Separator is a semicolon.

Despite the name it’s also reflected in the entry editor and therefore should behave like abstract or comment in the entry preview:

Thank you very much, I could only understand this when I changed the language from German to English. Then it was very simple. The problem was that I understood this field completely differently in German: “Beim Speichern keinen Zeilenumbruch in den folgenden Feldern einfügen = Do not insert a line break in the following fields when saving”.

Greetings geophil


yes, the translation is more or less correct, but confusing. Ieally the feature should be available in the Custom Entry types dialog: Create a better solution for defining multiline fields · Issue #6448 · JabRef/jabref · GitHub

The translation of JabRef is managed at CrowdIn: If you think you have a better translation, feel free to edit it.

Viele Grüße aus Paderborn

Hello, It is not completely clear to me what is meant by “Do not wrap the following fields when saving”:

  • line break yes/no
  • flowing text yes/no
  • … yes/no
    Total: which “features” are enabled or disabled. That’s why it’s hard for me to create another translation. However, I think the suggestion to be able to make this setting directly for the entry types is great.

p.s. Sorry for my Google translation English

Grüße aus Bremen