Sort order maintained upon closing and reopening Jabref

I wonder why the sort order is not maintained closing and opening a library.
I would like to be maintained.

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Hm. This is odd. In the current development version the sort order for each table column is remembered.

(Holding shift + left click on the colum header allows to define secondary, tertiary,… etc ) sort orders.

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This I did not know. It works nicely.

KR Bernhard

(Attachment bernhard_kleine.vcf is missing)

This I did not know. It works nicely.

Kind regards.

(Attachment bernhard_kleine.vcf is missing)

In JabRef 5.9 I have the issue that sort order is maintined for author field for instance, but not for customfields added such as ranking or modificationdate. Is there any way to have JabRef also remember sort order of these fields?