Articles show fine in References section, Conf. proceedings do not


Maybe this has been responded elsewhere but cannot find it. I have a bib file loaded on Jabref, and it is connected properly to LibreOffice. I have several cites in my ODT document, and a “References” section automatically added to the end of the document. However, in the references section, journal names appear correctly for @article items, but conference proceedings (from @inproceedings items) only show authors and title, pages and year, but not the conference name (i.e. booktitle). How can I change teh settings to show all fields I want/need?

Ok I created a custom style file, and am using it now, the styles that come by default have no inproceedings LAYOUT definition. I added a line in the file for this type of BibTeX entry and now shows the entries as desired.

Thanks for the feedback, it would be nice if you could add that section to our default styles as well: