We from MrDlib are on it to integrate related article recommendation into JabRef.
Since our first suggestion for the related article area (raa) was misplaced, we here introduce two design alternatives for that.
In the first suggestion the raa was placed as a tab in the “edit bibtex file” area, reachable by double clicking an item:
This implicitly associate the possibility to edit the recommendations and maybe also they are fixed or self set. This is why we introduce here two design alternatives.
The first is located directly beside the detail view of the selected database entry:
SEE FIGURE 2 edit: i am a new user and i cant put more than one image in the post. please have a look in the next entry to find the image.
This view can be toggled via a button in the very top, beside the toggle button for the detail view. They could be both or single visible. For introducing the new feature we would suggest to have it open for the first startup after the update.
To place it here overcomes also a drawback of the detail view. The view is imo to wide to read the abstract properly. Which could then be read more easily.
The second suggestion for the raa is placing a button in the detail view:
SEE FIGURE 3 edit: i am a new user and i cant put more than one image in the post. please have a look in the next entry to find the image
With this button pressed a window pops up showing the related articles:
SEE FIGURE 4 edit: i am a new user and i cant put more than one image in the post. please have a look in the next entry to find the image
In total I discussed over 13 different alternatives, leading at the very end to this two, as being accomplishable and and proper.
We are looking forward for your comments!
i.A. Team MrDilb, Stefan Feyer