It seems that as soon as SCHOOL is defined in a BibTeX entry, INSTITUTION automatically gets the same value and vice-versa. Is there a way to prevent this?
I’m trying to define custom cleaned bibtex Entry preview and Export formats where both fields are used.
I could not reproduce the behavior you report: Entry type “PhdThesis” has the field “School”, but no field “Institution”. And entry type “TechReport” has the field “Institution” but not the field “School”. And this is consistent with the BibTeX format (
Which version of JabRef are you using? And which entry type are you considering?
Thank you for providing this example. Indeed, I was able to reproduce what seems to be a bug.
Please, could you report the issue at
are you using biblatex or bibtex mode?
In biblaex, they are defined as alias fields, so JabRef resolves them vice-versa for the entry preview.
The bib file itself is not modified
I have tried very hard to use the conditional formating but I could not come up with a proper condition. The only difference between phdthesis and techreport is the bibtextype of the publication and, as far as a know, you can’t create a condition based on different bibtextype.